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Satsuki Kusakabe – My neighbor Totoro

Satsuki Kusakabe is the sister of Mei in My Neighbor Totoro. Satsuki, like all sisters, can get rather angry at her sister, Mei. Particularly at the end of the film when they find out that their mother won’t be coming home from the hospital for the weekend. Satsuki likes to think of herself as grown-up and caring for her sister. She is very lively although not quite as much as Mei. Satsuki is a good sister on the whole and looks after Mei to the best of her ability despite being upset about their ill mother


Satsuki Kusakabe - My neighbor Totoro

Satsuki has dark brown hair and brown eyes. She wears an orange overall-and-skirt combo, a yellow shirt, a blue pair of shoes, white bloomers and a white hat. In the second half of the movie she wears a yellow dress. During the end credits she has a yellow shirt and orange overalls on with a picture of chibi Totoro embroidered onto the right leg.


Satsuki is a bright and cheerful fourth grader. She generally tries to be someone to look up to, most likely for her sister. She seems to idolize her mother’s peaceful demeanor, and she even says that she wants her hair to cooperate to look like her mother’s hair. Satsuki is hard working and intelligent, as shown when she is studying at school or helping out around her new home. She is also very open minded and pleasant towards people like Granny and even Kanta after getting to know his friendly side.

Satsuki Kusakabe - My neighbor Totoro
“I’m making this one for you, Mei.”
Satsuki Kusakabe - My neighbor Totoro

Satsuki Kusakabe seems to be an independent and adultness young lady. She does constantly feel grief and pressure, but does not let it show. The grief she feels for her mother being ill is only revealed towards the end of the movie when she breaks down in front of Granny. She also clearly feels very stressed to act like an adult and be a good role model for Mei.

Most of Satsuki’s anger stems from Mei’s contrasting irresponsibility. She gets easily frustrated, but is still a lovable character with good intentions.

Read more : Mei Kusakabe : My neighbor Totoro

If you are a fan of totoro and want to own cute items inspired by this film, the best way is through the cute merchandise of Studio Ghibli at Ghibli Shop

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